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  • Writer's pictureMike Jackson

Matterport Certified!

Updated: Mar 22, 2023

I passed! I passed! I passed! I've sat all the conventional exams that you may have heard of, from Ceccetti Method Classical Ballet and GCSE to CAD/CAE City and Guilds, A Levels and Open University Modules, to Advanced Diplomas and I have studied from Oxford to Lampeter BUT I've not had so much joy as getting my Matterport Certified Diploma this week. I procrastinated and prevaricated along with the best of them but finally plucked up the courage to sit down and get on with it! This technician's exam was a timed, two-hour exam, and the course has ensured that clients get the best results from Matterport technology.

Wisdom of age teaches us much, but sometimes nothing beats the measurable exam result!

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